It’s been 300 days since last box update. At the time, I was P-Level 371, which is 52,049,084 – 52,470,533. I am now P-Level 468 at 104,488,348, which is 52,017,815 in 300 days, which turns out to be 173,392 EXP a day. The 3rd anniversary ship and the Rookie missions definitively helped.
Global – Day 800 PLvl 371
40 Stam Restaurant Le Crap
first day
15 Runs :
- 52 HP candies
- 69 ATK candies
- 43 RCV candies
2nd day
15 runs
- 36+17 HP
- 35+16 ATK
- 29+21 RCV
3rd day
15 runs
- 50+17 HP
- 44 ATK
- 34+18 RCV
4th & last day
7 runs
- 1+18 HP candies
- 21+7 ATK candies
- 26 RCV candies
I now have
- a 100HP + 100 RCV GPU
- 3x 100 + 1x 85 HP turtle
- 3x 100 ATK turtles
- 1x 100 + 1x 44 RCV turtle
Prison croc is back
2 Crocs
13 runs