Blitz Boa / Mihawk:Perona (Legend V1 Zoro) New Weevil / V3 Akainu STR RR Coby (Legend Garp) / STR RR Boa Stage 1: Clear Stage 2 clear in two turns Stage 3: Clear in two turns Stage 4 (Perona and Bear): Turn 1 pop Coby special, switch to Perona, pop Akainu, the Kill Bear and do a lot of damage to Perona. Turn 2 clear Stage 4 (Perona and 3 Ghosts): Take out a ghost in the first 2 turns. Turn 3 (96) do more damage to a ghost. Turn 4 (95) pop Coby, finish off the ghosts. Turn 5 (94) switch to Perona, search matching orbs Turn 6 (93) switch to Mihawk and do some damage. Turn 7 (92) switch to Perona and do a little more damage, trying not to get her to low. Turn 8 (91) pop Akainu and finish her off Stage 5: Turn 1 switch to Mihawk, pop Weevil, pop Mihawk, pop RR Boa, and kill. Turn 2 pop Blitz Boa and Clear.
Kizuna King
vs Qck
stage1 switch vivibeca kill
stage 2 switch kill
stage 3 spec kill
vs Psy
stage 1 kill
stage 2 doffy bm spec, kill w/ 3Perfects
stage 3 no pero spec, kill
vs Str
stage 1 kill
stage 2 swtch mihawk/perona, kill
stage 3 switch, spec, kill

Assist the swordsmen (Zoro/Kaido fake blitz)
FC Zoro/Roger
inu (neko)/hiyori
stage 4 : wb, stall;
roger st, roger spec, otoko spec,
stage 5 hiyori spec, zoro spec zoro st
Stage 4 stall 1 turn
inu spec, do dmg
tap once
Stage 5 roger st, zoro st, zoro spec, roger spec, otoko spec, 1 perfect with zoro, the rest is Good until kill
Arena Bonekichi
Raid Luffytaro
Roger/v1 Kaido
Tm reiju/v2 WB
Rr nami from ls batch/ stampede luffy (brûlée)
Stage 3 Roger st
Stage 4 nami 2x wb
Stage 5 Roger reiju Luffy special kill
Kizuna Hawkins
vs. DEX
Zoro/vs Kaido
STR Mihawk/Arlng Crew
ace/tm kid
stage 1 kill
stage 2 kaido spec kill 3 perfects
stage 3 zoro, ace, swap crew crew, kid,
vs. QCK
zoro/vs kaido
boa sister(boa sister)/osoba
stage 1 kill
stage 2 osoba kill
stage 3 kaido niji zoro praline boa
vs. PSY
zoro / sugar (vivi)
int jack/ osoba (nami)
ain/raid zoro (brook)
stage 1 kill
stage 2 ain, ain
stage 3 raid zoro, soba, fc zoro jack sugar (all but soba) soba st sugar
Raid Nami & Shinobu
Kaido / Kaido
raid kuma/inv linlin (supp flampe)
rr nami (LS batch)(support sanji v1)/v2 kata
stage 1-4 : tap
Stage 5: nami spec, linlin spec, kuma spec, hit with 6
t2 : kaido spec, kaido spec, kata v2 spec, hit with 2
Tea Party from Hell Blitz
One team to run them all
Sweet Commanders / New Chopper (5th anni robin)
new rr pero (vivi)/ new carrot (jinbe psy)
galette ()/ opera
Vs Luffy
Stage 1 stall 1
Stage 2 opera spec
Stage 3 commanders super type
Stage 4 chopper spec, carrot spec, opera spec, kill with chopper, pero, commander
Stage 5 pero spec, galette spec, commander spec, kill with commander, chopper pero
Vs Bege
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4 chopper spec, carrot spec, opera spec, kill with opera carrot chopper
Stage 5 pero spec, galette spec, commander spec, kill with commander chopper pero
Vs Jinbe
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4 carrot spec, chopper spec, opera spec, kill with pero, commanders
Stage 5 galette spec, pero spec, commander spec, kill with commander chopper pero